CPB – MOP7 – Contained Use

PRRI statement on Contained Use


Thank you Madam Chair,


I speak on behalf of the Public Research and Regulation Initiative, PRRI.

Madam Chair, the topic of contained use is of great relevance to our work as public researchers.

Article 6 of the Protocol states that the AIA procedure does not apply to transboundary movement of LMOs destined for contained use, and article 18 outlines the accompanying documentation.

This approach is appropriate, as there are well developed systems for safely conducting research under contained use conditions. These systems include specified levels of containment and work procedures, tailored to the specific cases.

These systems have already for many decades been implemented in most countries for all laboratory research, not only research with LMOs.

In this context, PRRI agrees that there is no need to develop under the Protocol additional guidance or procedures for transboundary movement of LMOs destined for contained use.

This is also consistent with Article 29 of the Protocol, which outlines the functioning and tasks of the COP-MOP, and which in paragraph 4 (c) instructs that the MOP shall “seek and utilize, where appropriate, the services and cooperation of, and information provided by, competent international organizations and intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies”.

We support a MOP7 decision that requests the Executive Secretary to continue gathering and making available through the BCH information relevant to contained use, and we also support a MOP7 decision that states that the issue of contained use does not need to be considered further at the eighth or later meeting of the Parties.

Thank you Madam Chair