Kaj pomeni "naravna’ dejansko pomeni,? Novi obrat znanost plošča živo Q&A

Vodilnih evropskih rastlinskih znanstveniki pozivajo nacionalnih in evropskih politikov, da bi spet razmišljati o vlogi raziskav rastlin, vključno z uporabo gensko spremenjenih (GM) rastline.
Oktober 30, 2014
Golden Rice je 2015 Zmagovalec patentih ZDA za nagrado Humanity
April 16, 2015

Sense About Science is hosting a live Q&A in which it takes questions on people’s assumptions and misconceptions about what ‘natural’ really means. Are some foods more natural than others? Are the herbal medicines sold in health food shops really ‘all natural’? What would our countryside be like if we had never used artificial pesticides and herbicides? Za več informacij, click on What does ‘natural’ actually mean?