Basiese Inligting
The cultivation of GMHT oilseed rape is likely to occur in Ireland in the near future. In reaksie, Teagasc het 'n begin 3 year project designed to (i) study the potential and consequence of HT trait transfer into wild Brassica populations, (II) establish an integrated weed management strategy to ensure the efficacy of glyphosate is maintained for the tillage sector and (iii) conduct both temporal and spatial modelling to determine the potential spread of the GM trait into non-GM crops across the landscape.
Stage of Development
Greenhouse and field trials.
Redes vir Block / Delay
The work was due to start in 2003. Egter, the licensing process and authorisation required to secure a Class B license for 3 years delayed the project for over 12 maande. To ensure that there were no further delays, we acquired imidazolinone (IMI) HT oilseed rape from a supplier in Australia. IMI HT oilseed rape
confers an equivalent phenotype to glyphosate tolerant oilseed rape; both are herbicide resistant. Tog, because IMI oilseed rape was generated through EMS mutagenesis as opposed to GM techniques it is exempt from licensing under EC 2001/18. As a result we were able to conduct large-scale field trials over 3 years in Ireland using HT oilseed rape. As expected its trait introgressed into native flora populations and as expected the management of the crop requires particular attention, in order to ensure the control of volunteers.
Die frustrerende punt oor hierdie navorsing was dat ons in staat was om GM HT koolzaad om te groei, maar tog was daar geen beperking op die groeiende IMI HT koolzaad, wat voer in die dieselfde wyse en sprei sy gene deur basies dieselfde meganismes. Dit was 'n klassieke voorbeeld van hoe die huidige EU-regulasies lisensie om die proses en nie die produk en bly onbewus van die feit dat jy kan dieselfde gewas fenotipe van verskillende metodes genereer. Dus, terwyl die impak daarvan op die omgewing sal dieselfde wees, een is swaar wetgewing vir terwyl die ander is vrylik beskikbaar vir die verbouing.
Foregone Benefits
Teagasc is a state research agency tasked with addressing questions of public concern. GM is een van die kwessies, maar nog nie die vermoë om te ondersoek en navorsing is beperk deur wetgewing, which is not cognizant of the principles of biology. The results from this research are publishable and they commenced in 2005. The foregone benefit is that we are yet to study GMHT oilseed rape in Ireland.
Cost of Research
Cost of research was equivalent to what was budgeted for with the GMHT oilseed rape. The greatest cost was that we lost a year.
Verwysing na publikasie
Dr. Ewen Mullins, Teagasc Gewasse Research Center, Oak Park, Carlow
Kontak Inligting