Sekretariatet for den PRRI er Dr.. Lucia de Souza, a Brazilian national who obtained her Ph.D in plant biochemistry at the Friedriech Miescher Institut in Switzerland. Har hun fået erfaring inden for bioteknologi produktlancering og forbrugernes opfattelse forskning i Mexico og Brasilien. Lúcia de Souza has extensive experience in teaching and has been actively involved in biosafety since 1994. Fra 2005 til 2015 she was the vice-president of the Brazilian National Biosafety Association(ANBio), som er en gruppe af akademiske fagfolk aktive i kapacitetsopbygning og i kommunikation inden for biosikkerhed og dets grænseflader med samfundet, lovgivere og andre interessenter. Eftersom 2015 she is affiliated with ISAAA. Lucia de Souza also directs the Switzerland based Cutting Edge Solutions, som tilbyder rådgivning inden for biosikkerhed og bioteknologi. Lucia de Souza har været aktivt involveret i PRRI aktiviteter siden 2005.
PRRI is an organisation by public researchers for researchers. Over the years PRRI members frequently volunteered to help on an ad-hoc basis the respective Executive Secretaries with secretarial support, such as updating literature on the website, acting as local organisers for meetings in their countries, selecting suitable accommodation during international meetings, etc..
Desuden, Piet van der Meer provides technical support to PRRI and the PRRI Secretariat . Piet van der Meer is trained as a biologist and a lawyer, og fra 1989 til 2000 he was in charge of biosafety regulation in the Netherlands during which he was actively involved in many international and EU fora. Fra 1999 til 2002, Han formåede projektet "Implementering af nationale biosikkerhed rammerne i ansøgerlandene i Central-og Østeuropa", og fra 2002 til 2004 he served as the programme manager of the UNEP-GEF projects on Implementation of National Biosafety Frameworks. Eftersom 2004, Piet van der Meer works as an independent consultant, primarily providing support on biotechnology and biosafety to international organisations and governmental institutes. Desuden, he teaches since 2006 biotechnology regulation at the University of Ghent (at the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Law), and since 2014 he also teaches this topic at the Free University of Brussels.