Zutik Science EB tailerrak
Urtarrila 26, 2018
Hiru proposamen hori EBk ez du galdu landare genoma edizio eskaintzen dituen aukerak bermatzeko
Uztaila 20, 2018

TEDxRovigo - Italian nekazariak Deborah Piovà nekazaritza buruzko hitzaldiak, iraunkortasuna eta berrikuntza. Gara gure tradizioak berritzeko gai? The history of agriculture is one of continuous innovationOur traditions today were the innovations by our grandparents. Sustainability in agriculture means low environmental impact, adequate income for farmers, and general acceptance of the farming process by society. To reach this goal farmers and researchers must work together, and together communicate their work to the public.

Deborah’s full Tedx presentation can be found here: https://youtu.be/EWXCebuRlEM