2016 – 10 – 11: hazkuntza nekazari erronka berriei konponbide berriak

IMG_3632The event was organised by the farming organisations AGPM (France), ASAJA (Espainian), Confagricultura (Italia), DBV(Alemania), MTK (Finlandia) NFU (UK), and the Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI)

As the host of the event, MEP Hannu Takkula, inaugurazioan azaldu, the event aims to promote fact finding and open discussion about the conditions under which new breeding techniques such as genome editing can deliver crops that can help farmers in the challenges of agricultural production.


Ekitaldian izan ziren baino gehiago bertaratu 60 Parte-hartzaile, parlamentariak barne, nekazari, Zientzialari, as well as representatives of EU institutions, estatu kideak, hainbat elkarte, eta sektore pribatuko enpresen.

Ekitaldiaren moderatzailea Max Schulman zen, Baserritarrak, MTK kidea eta Copa-Coga Lan taldea Zerealak buruzko katedra.

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