Biodibertsitatearen Berrikuntza Koalizioa

Background and objective

In December 2022, the Conference of the Parties (COP) Aniztasun Biologikoari buruzko Hitzarmenari (CBD) adopted at its Fifteenth meeting (COP15) the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF), which sets out the targets and tools for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the decades to come. In the closing session of COP15, Parties and other stakeholders welcomed this landmark agreement and called for its urgent implementation.

Perspektiba horrekin, the organisations listed below established in the margin of COP15 the Biodiversity Innovation Coalition (BIC) which provides a platform for collaboration between the BIC members in their contributions to the implementation of the KM-GBF, and in their interaction with other stakeholders.

Bearing in mind the KM-GBF’s recognition of the critical role of science, technology and innovation, the BIC focuses on developing and promoting evidence-based, biodibertsitatearen kontserbazioa eta erabilera iraunkorra hobetzeko irtenbide berritzaileak.

BICak arlo eta diziplina asko hartzen ditu. artikuluarekin bat 16 CBD du, hainbat kidek bioteknologia jasangarritasunerako tresna gisa jartzen dute arreta, prozesu biologikoak berez zirkularrak direlako.

Kidetza eta jarduerak

BIC-ren kide sortzaileak Zientziarako Aliantza dira (AfS), BioTrust-Nazioarteko Zerbitzua Nekazaritzako Bioteknologiako Aplikazioak Eskuratzeko (BioTrust-HIS), Herri Ikerketa eta Araudia ekimena (PRRI) eta Gazte Bioteknologia (YB).

BICren interes zantzu ugari ikusita, besteak beste, Farming Future Bangladesh eta Espainiako Nekazari Gazteen Elkartea bezalako nekazaritza-erakundeetatik (ASAJA), BICk beste zientzia batzuk gonbidatzen ditu, teknologia eta berrikuntzara bideratutako erakundeak BIC ekimenarekin bat egiteko.

BICn sartzeak KM-GBF ezartzeko irtenbide berritzaileen garapenean eta sustapenean informatzea eta parte hartzea da.. The first phase of BIC’s activities will focus on preparing for and participating in the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16, 2024, Cali, Colombia), when the COP will take stock of the implementation of the KM-GBF.

For the time being, the contribution of the members to the BIC will be in-kind. After COP16, the BIC members will discuss whether and how to expand the activities of the BIC and resource requirements.

Organisational Matters

BIC’s internal rules and tools for outreach are under development.

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