As part of the development of the briefing paper “Inyon Ewopeyen gmo Règleman, Dirab Agrikilti ak Rechèch Montre granmoun ki" (2012) produced by public-sector scientists and farmers organisations, a survey was conducted among public research institutes active in agricultural biotechnology in Europe.
This survey resulted in a number of examples of public research slowed down, sispann oswa deplase aletranje, paske nan ogmante obstakl regilasyon ak depans yo anpeche destriksyon nan rechèch jaden:
- Otrich – Pyebwa k'ap donnen ak rezen - Rezistans Viris
- Bèljik – Sikren – chanje konpozisyon bwa
- Almay – Lòj ak rezistans chanpiyon- Jistis-Liebig-Inivèsite
- Almay – Rechèch prevansyon- Aachen Inivèsite
- Almay – Pwa Frans – Ensèk ak chanpiyon Rezistans Leibniz University
- Almay – Petunya – plant transplastomic – Rostock
- Iland – HT kolza
- Itali - Konkonm- Ensèk Rezistans – SSC
- Woumani – Plum - rezistans viris
- Woumani - pom- Ensèk Rezistans
- Swis – Wheat – Chanpiyon Rezistans
- Latiki – Senfwen - Melon
- Latiki- Mayi - rezistans ensèk