私たちに参加 – 登録

PRRIのメンバーシップは、共通の利益のために、現代のバイオテクノロジーの研究に関与し、公共部門の科学者に開かれています. PRRIメンバーシップは無料です.

PRRI Members receive updates on important developments and activities of PRRI for which they have indicated interest, can request PRRI to help seeking funding to participate in meetings on biotechnology regulation, and are encouraged to be actively involved in PRRI activities, そのような会合に参加し、ドラフト位置にフィードバックを提供するなど、, 論文, など.

Membership does not necessarily mean consent with all the statements and submissions that have been made on behalf of PRRI. Statements made by PRRI indicate whether they have been made on behalf of the PRRI President, the PRRI Steering Committee or identified subsets of PRRI members (e.g. PRRI members participating in an international meeting).

To request PRRI membership, please send a email from your institution’s email address, with in the subject line: “Request PRRI Membership”, and with in the message:

  • Your first name(sの) and surname
  • タイトル (e.g. 女史, 夫人, 氏, Prof., Dr.)
  • Organisation and department
  • City and country
  • Area(sの) of expertise
  • Nationality
  • Languages you can communicate in
  • Email addresses and telephone numbers that we can use to reach you

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