Internationalis Planta Protection Convention (IPPC) sit foedus ut an international eo spectat, ut secure coordinatis, effective action to prevent and to control the introduction and spread of pests of plants and plant products. The Convention extends beyond the protection of cultivated plants to the protection of natural flora and plant products. Cogitat et immediatum et mediatum damnum pestes, ita habet zizania. Et quod operit vehicles, aircraft et vasa, vasa,, cellas, soil and other objects or material that can harbour or spread pests. Under the IPPC, in Signa enim International Phytosanitary mensuris (ISPMs) qui signa secuti sunt Commissio de mensuris Phytosanitary (CPM), quod corpus gubernans IPPC. IPPC The Latin est tantum in ordine ad occasum, herba salutem.
In addition, haec signa,, guidelines and recommendations are recognized as the basis for phytosanitary measures applied in trade by the Members of the World Trade Organization under the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (et pactum SPS). Standards in themselves are not regulatory instruments but come into force once countries establish requirements within their national legislation.
Nam notitia de institutis vitae mutatio: (LMOs), Latin-XI videre ISPM inscribitur "Quarentenam pestis periculo analysis et pestes” and its annex “Pest risk analysis for living modified organisms".