Documentaries about the actual use of GMOs and documentaries that address views pro and con deploying modern biotechnology:
- GM Cowpea in Africa (2018), Englis
- GM Cotton in Africa (2018), Lus Askiv
- Zoo txhob pub (Netherlands, 2017), In Dutch with English subtitles
- Tomorrow‘s Food: how GMO change global farming (Austria, 2017). In German with annotations in English.
- X:enius: Die Genschere in der Pflanzenzucht Doku (Lub teb chaws Yelemees, 2016). German.
- Crispr-cas9, le “couteau suisse” de la génétique (Fabkis, 2016) Fabkis
- Crispr – Revolution im Genlabor (Lub teb chaws Yelemees, 2017). German
- Schoene neue Gentechnik. (German).