The OECD Task Force for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds (Task Force) addresses aspects of the safety assessment of foods and feeds derived from genetically engineered crops. The work aims to ensure that the types of elements used in risk/safety assessment, precum și metodele de colectare a acestor informații, sunt cât mai asemănătoare între țări.

The approach is to compare transgenic crops and derived products with similar conventional ones that are already known and considered safe in their use, based on recognised experience. Harmonised methods and practice, as well as share of data are facilitated through the Task Force activities.

The main output is the set of consensus documents on compositional considerations of new varieties of specific crops. These documents compile a common base of scientific information on the major components of the plants and their derived products: key nutrients; toxicants; anti-nutrients; and allergens where relevant. Other publications deal with general aspects to facilitate harmonisation in safety assessment. These documents constitute practical tools for regulators and risk assessors dealing with new transgenic varieties, with respect to human food and animal feed safety. Până în prezent, peste 20 Consensus Documents have been published on major crops and mushrooms, the animal feedstuffs, as well as the molecular characterisation of plants derived from modern biotechnology developed in common with the WG-HROB.

The Task Force has increasingly involved the experience, scientific knowledge and interests of nonmember economies, which allows it to address a wider range of food and feed products of global interest.

Further details can be found in BioTrack Online

(*) Sistemul de informații BioTrack Online este un mecanism prin care Grupul de lucru pentru armonizare în biotehnologie și grupul operativ pentru siguranța alimentelor și a furajelor noi pun la dispoziția publicului rezultatele muncii lor., în special documentele lor de consens/îndrumare descrise în secțiunile de mai sus. BioTrack Online oferă, de asemenea, acces public la „Baza de date de produse”. Această bază de date permite oficialilor de reglementare să partajeze informații de bază despre produsele transgenice derivate din utilizarea biotehnologiei moderne (în principal plante de cultură) și aprobat pentru aplicare comercială în materie de alimente, siguranța furajelor sau a mediului.