CPB – Sociálno-ekonomické úvahy


Článok 26 – SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS1. The Parties, in reaching a decision on import under this Protocol or under its domestic measures implementing the Protocol, may take into account, v súlade so svojimi medzinárodnými záväzkami, socio-economic considerations arising from the impact of living modified organisms on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, especially with regard to the value of biological diversity to indigenous and local communities.2. The Parties are encouraged to cooperate on research and information exchange on any socio‑economic impacts of living modified organisms, especially on indigenous and local communities.


Jedným z hlavných mechanizmov CPB je postup AIA, ktorá umožňuje zmluvným stranám, ktoré ešte neprijali domáce regulačný rámec pre biologickú bezpečnosť, aby mohli robiť informované rozhodnutia o dovoze živých modifikovaných organizmov schválených pre uvádzanie do životného prostredia tejto strany. Článok 10 stipulates that decisions taken by the Party of import shall be in accordance with Article 15 (risk assessment).

Odsek 1 of article 26 states: “The Parties, in reaching a decision on import under this Protocol or under its domestic measures implementing the Protocol, may take into account, v súlade so svojimi medzinárodnými záväzkami, socio-economic considerations arising from the impact of living modified organisms on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, especially with regard to the value of biological diversity to indigenous and local communities.”


Z anotovanom programe rokovania MOP7 (Item 13)::

The 6th Meeting of the Parties (‘MOP6’):

  • established an ad hoc technical expert group (AHTEG) to develop conceptual clarity on SECs in the context of paragraph 1 článku 26;
  • requested the Executive Secretary to compile, take stock of and review information on SECs;
  • established online discussion groups to facilitate and synthesize the exchange of views, information and experiences on SECs.

For MOP7 the Parties will have before them the report of the meeting of the AHTEG with a view to to deliberate and decide upon further steps for objective 1.7 of the Strategic Plan for the Cartagena Protocol. (Doc UNEP/CBD/BS/COP-MOP/7/11).


Pozorovanie PRRI

Socio-ekonomické aspekty (SECs) are of primary importance to the members of PRRI, because it is precisely the anticipated and realised socio-economic benefits of modern biotechnology that makes public researchers dedicate their careers to research in modern biotechnology for the common good.

We should remain mindful that the Convention on Biological Diversity underlines in article 16 že prístup a prenos moderných biotechnológií sú základnými prvkami pre dosiahnutie cieľov Dohovoru o biologickej diverzite, and instructs in article 19 that each Party shall promote and advance priority access to the results and benefits arising from biotechnologies, najmä pre rozvojové krajiny.

It is for this reason that decision makers should take due account of the potential socio economic benefits in their decision making, and to keep availing themselves of the latest information about the socio-economic impacts of the introduction of this technology. V tejto súvislosti, it is important to take into account: 1) what modern biotechnology can accomplish that cannot be done by conventional breeding, 2) the research that is ongoing to date, a 3) the experiences are of farmers who have grown GM crops

Some interpretations of article 26 suggest that SEC are part of risk assessment, that Article 26 implies an obligation to add additional steps in the approval procedure, or that any SEC would suffice to deny approval of import of LMOs. These are erroneous notions.

Looking at the key elements of this provision:

  • "The Parties, in reaching a decision on import" > This provision addresses decision making, not risk assessment. While article 10 stanovuje, že rozhodnutia prijaté musí byť v súlade s článkom 15 (risk assessment), rozhodovanie krok je jasne odlišný od hodnotenia rizika.
  • "may take into account" > Toto ustanovenie sa týka možnosti, nie je povinnosť.
  • "v súlade so svojimi medzinárodnými záväzkami" > príslušné medzinárodné záväzky možno nájsť v zmluvách ako WTO / SPS, ako aj vyhlásenie, politiky, ako je agenda 21.
  • "socio-ekonomické úvahy vyplývajúce z vplyvu živých modifikovaných organizmov na ochranu (atď)....." > slová "vyplývajúce z" dáva jasne najavo, že toto ustanovenie nie je označuje sekúnd ako také, ale sekundy, ktoré vyplývajú z vplyvu živých modifikovaných organizmov na ochranu (atď).
    Ďalej, článok 26 používa neutrálny termín "vplyv", a nie - ako v mnohých iných predmetoch - na potenciálne nežiaduce účinky. Použitie termínu "dôsledky" je významný, pretože zahŕňa ako potenciálne prínosy a riziká.