Морамо да раде на побољшању приступа боље и довољно хране док ублажавање еколошких недостатке пољопривреде. Придружите нам се! The world is facing very [...]
The briefing paper was launched at an event in Brussels together with the new website www.greenbiotech.eu and was produced by public-sector scientists active in biotechnology research and farmers [...]
PRRI participates in a farmers – scientists network that brings together public sector scientists active in biotechnology research for the common good and farmers who wish to [...]
Прочитајте или одштампајте ову изјаву и као ПДФ. Свет се суочава са веома великим изазовима. Преко 1 милијарду људи неухрањено, often resulting in chronic [...]