Bobek General Advocate arabera, mutagenesi lortutako organismoak dira, printzipioz, betebeharrak salbuetsita genetikoki eraldatutako organismoak Zuzentaraua.
Urtarrila 18, 2018
Nekazariek berritzeko tradizioak
Otsaila 7, 2018

Zientzia buruz Sense Zutik a Science EB tailerra KoWi tan antolatzen, Bruselan (Troonstraat 98, 1050 Ixelles) ostiralean 16 Martxoa 2018. This FREE full day event is for early career researchers and scientists in all sciences, social sciences, engineering and medicine (PhD students, post-docs or equivalent).

During the workshop, we combine discussion about research-related controversies in public debates with practical guidance and tips for how to deal with the media and politicians. Please find more information and apply Hemen.