Members of PRRI participate in the UN Biodiversity Conference 2022

En recordo: Dr. Behzad Ghareyazie
Xuño 11, 2021
En recordo: Prof. Dr. Klaus Ammann
Abril 17, 2023

Dende 2005 PRRI has been actively involved in the Conferences of the Parties (‘COPs’) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Meetings of the Parties ('MOPS') to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) and Meetings of the Parties ('MOPS') to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit sharing (NP-ABS). Dende 2016, these COPs and MOPs are held together under the heading ‘Biodiversity Conference’ .

Debido ao Covid19, Xornada de Biodiversidade 2020 celebrouse en dúas partes,: parte 1 en liña en outubro 2021, e parte 2 in person from 3 - 19 Decembro 2022, en Montreal, Canadá: Information about the PRRI participation in the UN Biodiversity Conferences 2020-2022 can be found aquí.