
Jiyè 4, 2016

òganizasyon Rechèch rele Palman an Ewopeyen an ankouraje respè pou konsèy syans endepandan epi kab kondannen yo atak sou syantis

Sou 7th jen, Ewopeyen Otorite a sou Sekirite Manje (EFSA) received a package containing explosive material addressed to a scientist providing independent scientific advice to EFSA. A large [...]
Jen 29, 2016

107 Nobel loreat siy lèt eksplozif Greenpeace sou GMOs

Washington Post la: Plis pase 100 Nobel loreat te siyen yon lèt pou mande Greenpeace nan fen opozisyon li nan jenetikman modifye òganis (GMOs). The letter asks [...]
Me 18, 2016

US-NAS Komite rapò: Jenetikman Enjenieri Rekòt: Eksperyans ak kandida (2016)

A main task of the committee was to examine the evidence related to claims of positive and negative effects of existing genetically engineered (GE) rekòt. Nan [...]
Jiyè 16, 2015

Malsen fiksasyon. Lagè a kont jenetikman modifye òganis se tout fearmongering, erè, ak fwod.

Nan yon atik ki te pibliye sou 15 Jiyè 2015, otè a revize prèv reklamasyon an relasyon ak òganis jenetikman modifye (GMOs). Some quotes from the [...]
Avril 21, 2015

Genomic la nan kiltive patat gen Agrobacterium T-DNAs ak eksprime jèn: Yon egzanp sou yon rekòt manje natirèlman transjenik

Among 291 tested accessions of cultivated sweet potato, all contain one or more transfer DNA (T-DNA) sequences. These sequences, which are shown to be expressed in [...]
Avril 16, 2015

Golden Rice se yon 2015 Gayan nan breve yo US pou imanite pou prim

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have announced the winners of the 2015 recipients of [...]
Fevriye 6, 2015

Ki sa 'natirèl’ aktyèlman vle di? New panèl syans plant ap viv Q&Yon

Sense About Science is hosting a live Q&A in which it takes questions on people’s assumptions and misconceptions about what ‘natural’ really means. Are some foods [...]
Oktòb 30, 2014

Syantis dirijan plant Ewòp la rele sou politisyen nasyonal ak Ewopeyen an panse ankò sou wòl la nan rechèch plant, ki gen ladan itilize nan jenetikman modifye (GM) plant.

Lèt la Open ki te siyen pa syantis yo pwen soti ke si Ewòp se yo rive jwenn Horizon a 2020 goals of tackling the societal challenge to provide [...]