A lasting crop ‘resistance’ to insect was achieved by altering the morphology of the flower. The research is based on the knowledge of insect life cycle in relationship with the flower morphology. The bright petals attract insects and the flower is used as a mating place or for feeding source of pollen and nectar. The life cycle of thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) on their host cucumber, used as a model plant, was drastically interrupted by changing the identity of the yellow petals into green sepals, resulting in a reduced insect reproduction efficiency. In the absence of the attractive yellow flowers, thrips insects will be less successful in finding a mating partner.
The researchers created a homeotic mutant of cucumber (the green petals mutant) 緑がく片の代わりに黄色の花びらを生成する. 花の形態の変更は、花のクラスBのホメオティック遺伝子の発現を操作することによって達成されたCUM26 (ケーターら。, 2001). B遺伝子の機能を阻害することによって原則クラスでB変異体を迅速に同定することができ、すべての植物において操作.
過度のコスト (潜在的な市場と比較した場合、) 承認のために書類を生成するために.
キイロアザミウマのは、ヨーロッパでの温室作物全体の主要な害虫の一つである, 米国およびカナダ. この虫による被害は、直接である (摂食穿刺および壊死) と間接 (フルーツの奇形や植物ウイルスの送信). 昆虫は、キュウリの植物の広い範囲で検出された, トマト, カーネーション, バラ, 綿や他の多くの.
現在まで, chemical agents for crop protection remain the only solution, despite the impact that they may have on the environment. The GE strategy is an environmentally friendly method and a much better alternative to any treatment.
The GE strategy can be used for several plant-insect combinations, in particular for parthenocarpic fruits such as cucumber, トマト, melon and eggplant. Because the molecular nature of this homeotic mutation is known and very conserved among flowering plants, this mutant can be easily phenocopied in other species by genetic modification
Kater, M.M., Franken, J., Carney, K., Colombo, L. and Angenent, G.C. (2001). Sex determination in cucumber is defined to specific floral whorls. Plant Cell, 13, 481–493.
Kater, M.M, Franken, J., Ingammer, H., Gretenkort, M., van Tunen, A.J., Mollema, C言語. and Angenent, G.C. (2003). The use of floral homeotic mutants as a novel way to obtain durable resistance to insect pests. Plant Biotechnol Journal, 1, 123-7.
Martin M. Kater, Dipartimento di Genetica e Biologia dei Microrganismi, Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milan, イタリア;
Gerco Agenent