Plantae pioneering Biotechnology in Europam, 22 April 2013 A tribute to Jeff Schell “Pioneering Plant Biotechnology in Europe – A tribute to Jeff Schell” will give you a [...]
Secretarius Status aliquet turpis in litteris est, Cibum et rusticis rebus, Mr. Owen Paterson, PRRI and various farmers organisations have expressed their support for [...]
Die 12 mensis Februarii 2013 a Belgian judge ruled in the case of the Belgian state against Field Liberation Movement activists who destroyed a GM potato [...]
(Translations et nexus available in fundo paginae huius) The article “Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” by [...]
Loquens ad Oxoniam Agricultura conferentia (London, 3 – 5 January 2013), Rt Hon Owen Paterson, UK Secretarii Status for Opera, Victus & Rural Affairs stated that GM [...]
In auditorio data Oxonie Agricultura conferentia (London, 3 January 2013), former Anti-GM activist Mark Lynas apologised for the anti GM campaigns and actions [...]
Post September 2012 article "diu terminus alicuius toxicity Roundup herbicide et Roundup-patiens genere mutatio ZEA" per Seralini et al, suggesting that rats developed cancer after [...]
Quaeritur: facit September 2012 article "diu terminus alicuius toxicity Roundup herbicide et Roundup-patiens genere mutatio ZEA" per Seralini et al (Diario: Food and Chemical [...]