2016 – 10 – 11: Tshiab dlaws qe rau cov tshiab tswv teb txoj kev sib tw

IMG_3632The event was organised by the farming organisations AGPM (Fabkis), ASAJA (Spain), Confagricultura (Ltalis), DBV(Lub teb chaws Yelemees), MTK (Finland) NFU (UK), and the Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI)

As the host of the event, MEP Hannu Takkula, explained at the opening, the event aims to promote fact finding and open discussion about the conditions under which new breeding techniques such as genome editing can deliver crops that can help farmers in the challenges of agricultural production.


The event was attended by over 60 participants, including MEPs, farmers, zaum, as well as representatives of EU institutions, Member states, various associations, and private sector companies.

Moderator of the event was Max Schulman, farmer, MTK member and chair of the Copa-Coga Working group on Cereals.

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