Dne 7. junija, Evropska agencija za varnost hrane (EFSA) prejela paket, ki vsebuje eksplozivne snovi, naslovljeno na znanstvenika, ki zagotavlja neodvisne znanstvene nasvete EFSA. A large [...]
Washington Post: Več kot 100 Nobelovi nagrajenci so podpisali pismo pozval, Greenpeace, da konča svoje nasprotovanje gensko spremenjenih organizmov (GSO). The letter asks [...]
A main task of the committee was to examine the evidence related to claims of positive and negative effects of existing genetically engineered (GE) pridelki. The [...]
In an article published on 15 Julij 2015, the author reviews the evidence of claims in relation to genetically modified organisms (GSO). Some quotes from the [...]
Among 291 tested accessions of cultivated sweet potato, all contain one or more transfer DNA (T-DNA) sequences. These sequences, which are shown to be expressed in [...]
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have announced the winners of the 2015 recipients of [...]
Sense About Science is hosting a live Q&A in which it takes questions on people’s assumptions and misconceptions about what ‘natural’ really means. Are some foods [...]
Odprto pismo, ki ga je podpisal znanstvenikov opozarja, da je Evropa, če bi dosegli Horizon 2020 goals of tackling the societal challenge to provide [...]