Global Plant Council statement on the regulation of gene-edited plants

Arrêt de la CJCE: Les États membres de l'UE ne peuvent adopter des mesures d'urgence concernant les denrées alimentaires et les aliments pour animaux génétiquement modifiés que s'il est évident qu'il existe un risque grave pour la santé ou l'environnement
Octobre 1, 2017
Selon l'avocat général Bobek, organismes obtenus par mutagénèse sont, en principe, exempté des obligations de la directive aux organismes génétiquement modifiés.
Janvier 18, 2018

Executive Summary: The advent of gene editing as a plant breeding method presents important opportunities for making very precise changes in genomes to obtain desired traits or remove undesirable traits. As with all newly developed plants, plants with genetic changes obtained through genome editing are subject to existing plant-variety development systems. In as far as those genetic changes are indistinguishable from what can be obtained using conventional strategies, we recommend the resulting plants are subject only to existing systems for variety development. Only when genetic changes go well beyond what can be obtained with conventional breeding strategies might the resulting plants also be subject to biosafety (e.g. OGM) règlements.

The full statement can be downloaded ici.