In a letter to Mr Jean-Claude Juncker PRRI underlines the extremely valuable role that chief scientific advisors have in governments and organisations, and expresses surprise that [...]
“Golden Rice é unha cura para unha crise que mata máis xente cada ano que a malaria, VIH / sida ou tuberculose. The actions against genetic modification by Greenpeace and its [...]
Con motivo do Día Mundial da Alimentación, PRRI e varios agricultores europeos’ organisations expressed in an open letter to the EU Institutions their concern about the impact [...]
En entrevista ao xornal francés "Lles Echos", former French Prime Minister François Fillon confirmed the widely circulating rumor about a deal between President Sarkozy [...]
Washington, D.C. (Xuño 19, 2013) - Tres científicos ilustres - Marc Van Montagu de Bélxica, e Mary-Dell Chilton andRobert T. Fraley of the United States — [...]
Nunha carta ó Director Executivo da EFSA, Dr. Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, PRRI expresses concern about the way in which GM plants are mentioned on the EFSA [...]
Omega Ciencia, 29 Abril 2013: Escribindo na revista Cell Press Trends in Plant Science, scientists from Spain and the United Kingdom argue that the European Union will [...]
Nunha carta á Comisión Europea, PRRI comentarios sobre unha recente consulta para a revisión da política europea sobre agricultura orgánica. PRRI expresses disappointment that [...]