October 21, 2016

Event: “New breeding solutions for new farmers challenges”, 11 October 2016, European Parliament.

The event was organised by the farming organisations AGPM (France), ASAJA (Spain), Confagricultura (Italy), DBV(Germany), MTK (Finland) NFU (UK), and the Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI) As the host […]
September 7, 2016

Event: “Unshackling Innovation: Will Europe block or enable GM crops” 27 September 2016, European Parliament

The conference will bring together researchers, farmers, decision makers and other stakeholders from across the EU and overseas to share their experiences and discuss how Europe […]
July 4, 2016

Research organisations call upon the European Parliament to encourage respect for independent science advice and to condemn attacks on scientists

On 7th June, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) received a package containing explosive material addressed to a scientist providing independent scientific advice to EFSA. A large […]
June 29, 2016

107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs

The Washington Post: More than 100 Nobel laureates have signed a letter urging Greenpeace to end its opposition to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The letter asks […]
May 18, 2016

US-NAS Committee report: Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects (2016)

A main task of the committee was to examine the evidence related to claims of positive and negative effects of existing genetically engineered (GE) crops.  The […]