Steering Committee

PRRI is coordinated by a Steering Committee consisting of public research scientists from all different regions of the world involved in biotechnology and regulations.

The PRRI Steering Committee members are:

  • Prof. Emeritus Marc van Montagu, Institute for Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO), Belgium (President PRRI)
  • Prof. Desiree Hautea, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Institute of Plant Breeding, The Philippines (vice President PRRI).
  • Dr. Roger Beachy, Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis; and Global Institute for Food Security, Univ of Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Prof. Yaroslav Blume, Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics, Department of Genomics and Molecular Biotechnology, Ukraine
  • Prof. Bojin Bojinov, Plovdiv University, Bulgaria
  • Prof. Selim Cetiner, Sabanci University, Turkey
  • Dr. Premendra Dwivedi, Food Toxicology Division, CSIR-Indian Institue of Toxicology Research, India
  • Prof. Emeritus Jonathan Gressel, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
  • Dr. Ismail El Hadrami, Laboratoire de Biotechnologies, Protection et Valorisation des Ressources Végétales (Biotec-VRV) , Marocco
  • Dr. Christian Fatokun, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria
  • Prof. Emiritus Julian Kinderlerer, Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Dr. Zaida Lentini, retired, formerly: International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia
  • Prof. Magdy Madkour, Arid Land Agricultural Research Institute, Ain Shams University, Egypt
  • Dr. Charles Mugoya, Imperial College London, Target Malaria- Africa, Uganda
  • Dr. Susana Sirvas-Cornejo, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Peru
  • Dr. Natalia Stepanova, Centre Bioengineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Russia
  • Dr. Idah Sithole-Niang, Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
  • Prof. Paul Teng, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Tech University, Singapore
  • Dr. Arnoldo Khaleel Ventura, National Commission on Science and Technology, Jamaica.
  • Prof. Kazuo Watanabe, University of Tsukuba, Japan


Honorary Members

  • Mr. Willy de Greef, PRRI Founder, formerly Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO)
  • Prof. Emeritus. Phil Dale, first President of PRRI, formerly John Innes Centre, United Kingdom


In Memoriam