Meetings only open to invited participants are marked with (-). Meetings (co)-organised by PRRI are marked with (**).
- 17 December 2024: EFSA webinar Draft guidance on the characterisation and risk assessment of microorganisms used in the food chain.
- 10 – 11 December 2024: Next-Generation Synthetic Biology (5th edition), Ghent, Belgium
- 6 December 2024: AFSI Webinar: Innovative Crop Management: Biological Inputs for a Sustainable Future.
- 21 November 2024: ICABR Webinar: Repercussions associated with traceability, labeling, and coexistence requirements for plants obtained by New Genomic Techniques
- 21 October – 1 November 2024: Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Cali, Colombia
- 21 October – 1 November 2024: Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Cali, Colombia
- 21 October – 1 November 2024: Fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing, Cali, Colombia
- 29 – 31 October 2024: 5th AAB PlantEd Congress: Agricultural Biotechnology in the Era of Genome Editing, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey and online
- 16 – 18 October 2024: Fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Cali, Colombia
- 1 – 3 October 2024: Biomass and Energy Crops VI, Aberystwyth University, UK.
- 27 September 2024; KIPABiC webinar “Risk Assessment and Risk Management: Looking Ahead to CP-MOP 11”
- 13 September 2024: Informational Webinar on Synthetic Biology: Technological Developments and Policy Discussions
- 11 September 2024: Preparatory webinar for the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
- 10 – 11 September 2024: DSI Network Webinar
- 12 – 16 August 2024: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources, Montreal, Canada.
- 21 – 29 May 2024: Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Nairobi, Kenya.
- 13 – 18 May 2024: Twenty-sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Nairobi, Kenya.
- 26 March 2024: Forum for Agriculture, Restoring the opportunity for food system transformation, Brussels, Belgium.
- 15 – 16 February 2024: 100th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum, “Cultivating the Future”, Arlington, USA.
- 10 January 2024: RiE webinar “On the Way to the EP Decision on the NGTs Regulation”
- 19 December 2023: EFSA webinar on protein safety assessment in GMOs
- 14 – 15 December 2023: Synthetic Biology-Based Therapies Summit
- 11 – 12 December 2023: Fourth Joint Aarhus Convention and CBD Round Table on Public Awareness, Education, Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice regarding LMOs/GMOs, Geneva, Switzerland
- 14 – 18 November 2023: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources, Geneva, Switzerland
- 16 November 2023: 27th EPSO Plant Science Seminar the Potential of gene editing
- 12 November 2023: Agricultural Biotechnology Seminar Series 2023 “Enabling Biotechnological Innovations and Policies in Agriculture: Promoting Food Availability and Security”.
- 9 November 2023: IPBO Celebration 90th birthday Prof. Em. baron Marc Van Montagu
- 2 – 5 November 2023: The Synthetic Biology Expo – 20th Year of iGEM Grand Jamboree, Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles
- 30 and 31 October 2023: Global risk assessment workshop, Montreal, Canada.
- 25 October 2023: Euractiv “New Genomic Techniques – what lies ahead?” will be taking place in Brussels and online.
- 24 – 25 October 2023: Industrial Biotechnology for a Sustainable and Resilient Global Europe, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
- 19 Octobre 2023: 12ème colloque de l’AFBV “Biotechnologies Végétales et Biodiversité”
- 16 – 20 October 2023: Twenty-fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Nairobi, Kenya
- 6 October 2023: The “Science-Policy Symposium: New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) in Plants and Microalgae” Limassol, Cyprus and online
- 28 September 2023: event by the US missions to the EU and to Spain : The Potential of New Genomic Techniques in a Changing World. Brussels and online.
- 19 – 21 September 2023: SCRA virtual Workshop: “Nuts & Bolts of U.S. Regulatory Dossiers for Genetically Engineered Products”
- 18 – 20 September 2023: 4th and final PlantEd conference, Porto, Portugal.
- 11 – 13 September 2023: “8th Edition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology”, Valencia, Spain and Virtually.
- 11 September 2023: CBD webinar “20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety”.
- 29 – 30 August 2023: The 2023 Swiss-UK Synthetic Biology
- 29 August 2023: Agricultural Biotechnology Seminar Series 2023 – Seminar 2 “Ensuring the Safety of Products from Agricultural Biotechnology”.
- July 30-31, APEC Workshop on Reducing Redundancies and Facilitating Efficiencies: Regulatory and Policy Solutions for the Oversight of Agricultural Biotechnologies, Seattle, USA.
- 5 July 2023: EBCD event “Next generation agriculture – Harnessing alternative solutions for the SUR“
- 5 July 2023: Theodor-Billroth-Lectures: Regulation of new genomic techniques in the EU
- 3 – 6 July 2023: FESPB Workshop Plant Biology Europe, Marseille, France.
- 28 June 2023: COST Action PlantEd online lecture series on gene editing “Fusion of viral 5′-exonucleases to Cas9 and Cas12a strongly increases homology directed repair in plants” and “Quo vadis EU on NGTs?”
- 28 June 2023: International Conference on Synthetic Genomes and Systems Biology (ICSGSB), Istanbul, Turkey
- 27 – 28 June 2023: 4th annual SynBio World Café, Darmstadt, Germany
- 22 – 23 June 2023: VIB Conference: Translational Research in Crops, Ghent, Belgium.
- 22 June 2023: 2023: International Mammalian Synthetic Biology Workshop (mSBW), San Jose, California, USA
- 19 – 20 June 2023: Agricultural Biotechnology Seminar Series 2023 – Seminar 1 “Development of Agricultural Resources Through Genome-Editing Platforms”.
- 13 – 15 June 2023: Canada SynBio Conference, Toronto, Canada
- 31 May 2023: COST Action PlantEd online lecture series on gene editing “From technology to product: considerations of implementing cutting edge genome editing technologies for product development in tropical crops” and “Wheat transformation and genome editing – the new “model” system”
- 30 May – 2 June 2023: Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED), Los Angeles, California, USA
- 29 May 2023: AFSI Virtual Workshop on “Harnessing Genome Editing Technologies for Viticulture“
- 26 May 2023: SynBioNL – EXPANDING HORIZONS 2023, Leiden, the Netherlands
- 23 – 25 May 2023: SynBioBeta – The Global Synthetic Biology Conference, Oakland, CA, USA
- 22 – 24 May 2023: SynCell – International Conference on Engineering Synthetic Cells and Organelles, Minneapolis, MN – US
- 30 April – 4 May 2023: 16th International Society for Biosafety Research Symposium (ISBR2023), St Louis, MO, USA.
- 26 – 27 April 2023: International Conference on Gene-edited Crops: Enabling Future Commercialisation and International Trade, ACT, Australia.
- 26 April 2023: COST Action PlantEd online lecture series on gene editing, “the shoot apical meristem: an arena for genetic parasites” and “BREEDIT: a multiplex gene editing pipeline to generate high order mutant populations in Zea mays”
- 29 March 2023: COST Action PlantEd online lecture series on gene editing, “Improving plant regeneration accelerates wheat improvement with genome editing technologies” and “Exploring Prime Editing in the model plant Physcomitrium patens”
- 28 March 2023: Forum For Agriculture, Brussels, Belgium
- 23 – 25 March 2023: Campaign Event – Give-Genes A Chance, Brussels, Belgium.
- 14 – 16 March 2023 : CBD International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Techniques, Berlin, Germany.
- 9 March 2023 : FAO webinar “COP27 and COP15 Outcomes, FAO Support for Country Implementation”, 15:00 – 17:00 CET
- 23 – 24 February 2023: University of Milan webinar “Plant Biotechnology for Agriculture of the XXI Century“, virtual.
- 23 – 24 February 2023: USDA Outlook Forum, Washington DC, USA.
- 25 January 2023: COST Action PlantEd online lecture series on gene editing, Dr. Fred Van Ex (Inari Agriculture, Belgium) and Prof. Jens Boch (Institute of Plant Genetics, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany).
- 21 – 22 January 2023: ICGBGMF: International Conference on Food Bioengineering and Genetically Modified Foods, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 7 – 19 December 2022: Reconvened Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), Montreal, Canada
- 7 – 19 December 2022: Reconvened Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COPMOP10), Montreal, Canada
- 7 – 19 December 2022: Fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (COPMOP4) Montreal Canada
- 12 December 2022: EFSA: Stakeholder Event on ‘The safety of plants derived from New Genomic Techniques: looking into future risk assessment challenges’ (online)
- 3 – 5 December 2022: Fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Montreal, Canada
- 30 November 2022: PlantEd online lecture series: “Engineering and editing of the plastid genome using the mini-synplastome” and “Deploying morphological genes for extending gene editing in cereal crops”.
- 29 November 2022: Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO): Science Café: Future of GMOs“, Brussels, Belgium.
- 26 October 2022: COST Action CA18111 Genome Editing in Plants webinar series: “Overcoming bottlenecks in plant gene editing” and “Two case studies to improve citrus fruit quality by using the New Plant Breeding Techniques”
- 29 September 2022, POLITICO’s annual “Future of Food and Farming Summit”. Webinar
- 28 – 30 September 2022: IOBC conference “Modern Biotechnology in Integrated Plant Production“, Berlin, Germany.
- 28 September 2022: PlantEd online lecture series ” Prof. Jochen Kumlehn, “Cas Endonuclease Technology in Cereals – Targeted Mutagenesis and Approaches to Higher Precision” and Prof. Yinong Yang, “CRISPR/Cas-enabled Genome Editing, Precision Breeding and Disease Diagnostics”
- 26 September – 2 October 2022: European Biotech Week
- 26, 28 September: USDA Biotechnology Seminar ” Harnessing agricultural biotechnology to address climate change, food security, and health“
- 31 August 2022: PlantEd online lecture series: “CRISPR/Cas genome editing in plants using viral vectors to express the reaction components” and “Development of Broad-spectrum resistance in Solanum tuberosum against PVY by exploiting CRISPR/Cas13″
- 28 July 2022: GDN/ISAAA Gene Drive Webinar Series – “Integrating social, economic and health aspects into the decision-making process“.
- 29 June 2022: COST Action “Genome Editing in Plants” Online lecture series.
- 27 June 2022: POLITICO Live’s webinar “Gene-editing revamp: the solution to climate change and food security?”
- 21 – 26 June 2022: Fourth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Nairobi, Kenya
- 21 – 24 June 2022: EFSA seminar “ONE – Health, Environment, Society – Conference 2022”, Brussels and via live web streaming.
- 16 June 2022: ISAAA SEAsia Center and GDN Webinar – Key Considerations for Risk Assessments of Gene Drive Technologies
- 2 June 2022: Plants for the Future webinar: “The role of EU protein crops in reaching the Green Deal goals”
- 19 May 2022: GND 2022 Gene Drive Webinar Series, “Gene Drive Organisms: There is no one size fits all”.
- 11 – 12 April 2022: 9th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress, The Hague, Netherlands
- 13 – 29 March 2022: resumed Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Geneva, Switzerland
- 13 – 29 March 2022: resumed Third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Geneva, Switzerland
- 13 – 29 March 2022: resumed Third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 8 March 2022: CBD Webinar series on science and policy issues related to synthetic biology
- 15 February 2022: PAMCA-GDN workshop: “Promoting Health & Resilience Through Partnerships & Innovation“. (Registration)
- 8 February 2022: CBD “Briefing Webinar on the Joint Meeting Agenda and Organization of Work of the Resumed Sessions of SBSTTA-24, SBI-3 and WG2020-3″
- 3 February 2022: webinar WG2020 Co-Chairs ” Introduction to the documents on digital sequence information on genetic resources (WG2020 item 5)
- 9 November 2021: European Commission High level on-line event on “New genomic techniques – the way forward for safe and sustainable innovation in the agri-food sector” .
- 16 November 2021: MEP webinar: “New Genetic Techniques and its role in the EU“.
- 15 – 17 November 2021: 5th International Conference on Plant Synthetic Biology, Bioengineering and Biotechnology (virtual).
- 11 – 15 October 2021: Fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (COPMOP4), Kunming, China (virtual).
- 11 – 15 October 2021: Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COPMOP10), Kunming, China (virtual)
- 11 – 15 October 2021: Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), Kunming, China. (virtual)
- 20 – 22 September 2021: 2nd PlantEd conference – “Plant genome editing – the wide range of applications”
- 8 – 9 September 2021: USDA virtual seminar “Genome editing, regulation and commercialisation in agriculture”.
- 23 August – 3 September 2021: Third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- 12 – 13 July 2021: EU online dialogue on sustainable food systems
- June 29 – 2 July 2 2021: ICABR 25th annual conference: “The role of the bioeconomy in generating resilience and sustainable development”, Ravello, Italy.
- 22 June 2021: Euractiv webinar “EC Study on New Genomic Techniques – What’s Next?”
- 16 June 2021: EFSA GMO Workshop on allergenicity assessment
- 10 June 2021: PlantEd webinar ‘Understanding the potential contributions of genome editing to sustainable agriculture‘
- 9 June 2021: #EU40Talks: “New Breeding Techniques, Challenges and Opportunities“
- 7-8 June 202: VIB webinar “Plant Research for Climate Emergency”
- 1 June 2021: ETP partner event: “Meeting the Green Deal goals – How plant science and innovation can contribute”.
- 26 May 2021: FFA2021 webinar “New Genomic Techniques – sustainable tool to face climate change?”
- 25 May 2021: PlantEd webinar “The climate benefits of yield increases in genetically engineered crops“
- 20 May 2021: IPBO webinar “Biotechnology, biofortification and healthy diets: food systems’ interventions for enhanced nutrition“.
- 16 May – 13 June 2021: 3rd Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 3)
- 4 May 2021: ICABRs workshop: The Benefits from GMO Regulatory Harmonization
- 3 May – 9 June 2021: 24th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice ( SBSTTA 24).
- 15 April 2021: EP STOA webinar: “The challenges of genome editing in plants, with a focus on crops“
- 13 April 2021: PlantEd webinar “From research to innovation with new breeding techniques”.
- 13 April 2021: Agriculture & Progress Platform’s webinar on “Innovative Breeding Techniques: The crucial role of sustainable farming to achieve the Green Deal ambitions”
- 25 March 2021: Frontiers Forum Speaker Series “Genomics-led solutions for all life on Earth” (virtual)
- 25 March 2021: iPlanta final meeting. (virtual).
- 24 March 2021: Ifakara Health Institute masterclass ” There’s a Gene in my Mosquitoes“. (virtual).
- 8-12 March and 14 March 2021: “Informal session in preparation for SBI 3″
- 4 March 2021: iPlanta Webinar 8: “The Contribution of RNAi for more sustainable and resilient food systems: Meeting with stakeholders and policymakers”.
- 23 February 2021: PlantEd webinar “CRISPR/Cas-mediated mutagenesis of plant traits”.
- 17-19 February and 24-26 February 2021: Informal virtual session in preparation for SBSTTA 24. On line.
- Monday 14 December 2020: iPlanta webinar: RNAi based pesticides: Regulation issues
- 31 October – 4 November 2020: ISBR 16, St Louis, USA. (postponed)
- 29 October 2020: EP Intergroup webinar on “Research and innovation for biodiversity: What role for gene drive research?”
- 20 – 21 October 2020: Iowa State University webinar: Gene Edited Foods Gene Editing in Agriculture and Food: Social Concerns, Public Engagement and Governance (virtual)
- 13 – 14 October 2020: Pufendorf Institute webinar: New genome editing technologies for medicine and agriculture – implications for society (virtual)
- 7 October 2020: WiLDSI webinar: Finding compromise on ABS & DSI in the CBD: Requirements & policy ideas from a scientific perspective (virtual)
- 28 September 2020 – 4 October 2020: European Biotech Week 2020, Europe (virtual)
- 24 – 25 September: POLITICO Agriculture and Food Summit, Paris, France. (virtual)
- 23 – 24 September: SLU. CIP, IITA and UBIC webinar Plant Biotech in sub-Saharan Africa – technology transfer and new policies (virtual)
- 22 – 24 September 2020: European Commission webinar: European Research and Innovation Days (virtual)
- 14 – 16 September 2020: Crop Innovations and Regulations, Brussels, Belgium (postponed)
- 21 – 25 July 2020: ASPB Plant Biology 2020 Washington DC (postponed)
- 7 July 2020: EP Intergroup webinar on ”The tools to ensure the delivery of an ambitious green recovery plan”
- 6 – 10 July 2020: International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) Seattle, USA (postponed)
- 5 – 6 July 2020: EuroScience Open Forum (EMBO session on NBTs) Trieste, Italy
- 3 July 2020: Farmers-Scientists Network (FSN) webinar: “Farming, Science and the EU Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies”. (**)
- 2 July 2020: webinar by the European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: “Initial reactions by key stakeholders to the Farm-to-Fork & EU Biodiversity Strategies”.
- 29 June – 2 July 2020: Plant Biology Europe 2020, Turin, Italy
- 23 – 25 June 2020: ISPG conference “Sustainable Agriculture: The Role of Plant Breeding Innovation Conference”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 15 June 2020: FFA webinar:” Food system resilience, sustainability and the COVID-19 crisis.” (virtual)
- 9 June 2020: EBCD Web-conference ”A circular bioeconomy: Providing solutions to the EU Green Recovery Plan”
- 7 – 10 June 2020 The Plant Genome Stability Conference Leiden, the Netherlands (postponed)
- 5 June 2020: Joint WWF and OECD webunar “Nature-Based Solutions as a Force for a Green and Resilient Recovery”.
- 2 June 2020: webinar “AI in Farming: making the Farm to Fork agenda a global standard for sustainability”?
- 20 May 2020: FAO Virtual Plant Health Protection Roundtable “Protecting Plant Health for a Secure Future: A Call for Global Action.”
- 12 May 2020, FAO North America and the University of Maryland webinar: “Synergies and Trade offs in Sustainable Agriculture”.
- 17 – 20 March 2020: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on digital sequence information. Montreal, Canada
- 4 – 5 March 2020: 8th Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress: Europe, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- 3 March 2020: EP Conference on Innovative Breeding Techniques, Brussels, Belgium (postponed due to Covid19)
- 24-28 February 2020: 2nd meeting of the Working Group Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Rome, Italy.
- 3 – 6 February 2020: The 11th European Innovation Summit, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 12 – 13 December 2019: “Eumans2020: how citizens can change Europe”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 10 – 11 December 2019: The 2019 EU Agricultural Outlook Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- 10 December 2019: European Food Forum Reception Launch event, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 5 December 2019: Farmers-Scientists event “Agricultural innovation and trade agreements in a changing climate”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (**).
- 2 – 3 December 2019: Global Food Forum event: EU Agri-Food Sectors as Front Runners of EU Future, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 27 – 28 November 2019: 134th plenary meeting of the GMO Panel – open for observers, Parma, Italy.
- 25 – 29 November 2019: 23rd meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice ( SBSTTA 23).
- 21 November 2019: Exploratory workshop on Phenotyping/Genotyping and Novel Breeding Techniques for adaptation and mitigation to Climate Change in the livestock sector, Brussels, Belgium.
- 19 – 22 November 2019: ICGEB-JRC Workshop “Genome Editing Applications and Beyond”, Trieste, Italy
- 19 November 2019: ‘Key environmental challenges & the role of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’, Brussels, Belgium.
- 19 November 2019: Moving research from the laboratory for field trials: Regulatory pathway for genetically engineered organisms and their derived products, National Harbor, MD, USA.
- 19 November 2019: High-level Conference “Growing the Future Together”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 18 – 19 November 2019: 2nd World Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Science, Rome, Italy.
- 7 – 8 November 2019: Synthetic Biology Congress, London, UK.
- 5 November 2019: Genetic Innovation Vs climate change – The opportunities of New Breeding techniques for sustainable development and the competitiveness of agriculture, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 4 – 5 November 2019: 7th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress, Raleigh-Durham, USA.
- 31 October – 4 November 2019: International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition 2019, Boston, USA.
- 22 – 25 October 2019: ICGEB/JRC workshop “Genome editing applications and beyond”, Trieste, Italy
- 22 – 25 October 2019: Liaison Group on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Montreal, Canada (-)
- 16 – 18 October 2019: Plant genomes in a changing environment, Cambridge, UK
- 16 October 2019: Round Table on the Ethics of Gene Editing, Brussels, Belgium
- 1 – 3 October 2019: SynBioBeta 2019: The Global Synthetic Biology Summit, San Francisco, USA.
- 26 – 27 September 2019: Politico Event: Agriculture and Food Summit, Paris, France.
- 24 – 26 September 2019: The European Research and Innovation Days, across Europe.
- 23 – 29 September 2019: European Biotech Week, across Europe.
- 23 – 25 September 2019: 7th Central European Congress of Life Sciences, Kraków, Poland
- 22 – 25 September 2019: Creating is Understanding: Synthetic Biology Masters Complexity – EMBO workshop, Heidelberg, Germany.
- 10 – 12 September 2019: Crop Innovation and Regulation Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- 27 – 30 August 2019: First meeting of the Working Group Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Nairobi, Kenya
- 3 – 7 Aug 2019: ASPB 2019 Plant Biology, San José, USA
- 11 – 13 July 2019: 2nd Annual Congress on Plantscience & Biosecurity, London, UK
- 9 July 2019: Innovative Food conference, Brussels, Belgium
- 5 – 6 July 2019: Plant Genome Editing & Genome Engineering II Vienna, Austria
- 3-4 July 2019: Plant Transformation & Biotechnology V Vienna, Austria
- 2 -5 July 2019: SEB 2019, Seville, Spain.
- 26 – 28 June 2019: Biotech France 2019 Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France.
- 26 June 2019: Maize: Agriculture & Progress, Brussels, Belgium.
- 20 – 21 June 2018: “CRISPRcon“, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
- 20 – 21 June 2019: International Conference on Agronomy and Food Science & Technology, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 13 – 14 June 2019 5th International Conference on Plant Genomics Berlin, Germany
- 4 – 7 June 2019: the 23rd ICABR conference “Regulation And Finance Of Innovations For A Sustainable Economy”, Ravello, Italy.
- 21 – 22 May 2019: “7th Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress: Europe”, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- 18 May 2019: Fascination of Plants Day; global initiative
- 15 May 2019: EFSA Workshop on the problem formulation for the environmental risk assessment of gene drive modified insects, Brussels, Belgium.
- 13 -14 May 2019: 6th World Congress on Synthetic Biology and Advanced Biomaterials – Theme: Synthetic Biology: Meeting the Needs of a Changing World, Melbourne, Australia.
- 9 May 2019: How Will ‘Digital Sequence Information’ (Dsi) be addressed under the Convention On Biological Diversity?, Brussels, Belgium.
- 9 April 2019, Forum for the Future of Agriculture, Brussels, Belgium.
- 1 – 4 April 2019: 15th ISBR Symposium “New Horizons in Biotechnology: Risk Analysis for a Sustainable Future”, Tarragona, Spain.
- 24 – 28 March 2019: 1st GHI World Congress on Food Safety and Security. Leiden, The Netherlands
- 25 – 26 March 2019: Revolutionising Next-Generation Sequencing, Antwerp, Belgium.
- 19 March 2019: EFSA webinar: DNA sequencing quality check: information required in GMO applications
- 19 March 2019: STOA working breakfast ‘The science and ethics of gene drive technology – Case study: Eradicating malaria‘, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 18-20 March 2019: 15th Gatersleben Research Conference on Applied Bioinformatics in Crops Gatersleben, Germany
- 5 – 8 March 2019: 1st Annual Meeting of Newcotiana and Pharma Factory projects, Valencia, Spain.
- 27 February 27 to 1 March 2019: 3rd iPLANTA Conference: “What Future For RNAi-based PRODUCTS: Rnai Modified Plants or Spray Products”, Lisbon, Portugal.
- 20 to 22 February 2019: Joint EFSA/BfR International Conference on Uncertainty in Risk Analysis, Berlin, Germany.
- 6 February 2019: “Rest in Peace Plant Breeding Innovation in the EU after the ECJ Ruling?”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 30 January 2019: EBCD Intergroup event: “What’s next for Biodiversity, globally and in Europe? Follow-up of the CBD COP14“, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
- 14 – 15 January 2019: ICSBN 2019 : 21st International Conference on Synthetic Biology and Nanobiotechnology, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 9 January 2019: ELO Innovation conference “After the ECJ: The future of Plant Breeding”, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 7 January 2019: A joint meeting of the AGRI and ENVI committees, in which members will exchange views on ECJ ruling. EP, Brussels, Belgium.
- 6 – 7 December 2018: “The 2018 EU Agricultural Outlook conference“, Brussels, Belgium.
- 30 November 2018: Sense About Science workshop: “Standing up for Science”, Barcelona, Spain.
- 17 – 29 November 2018: Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
- 17 – 29 November 2018: Fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
- 17 – 29 November 2018: Third meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
- 15 – 16 November 2018: “International Conference on Plant Science” Paris, France.
- 5 November 2018: EURACTIV’ event “Science in the future of agriculture: Can innovation double food production – and improve sustainability?”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 17 October 2018: “COST IPLANTA CA15223 WG4 Meeting: Meeting with stakeholders on RNAi socio-economic impact”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 17 October 2018: “Communicating Science in a Complex World, Experiences, Controversies and Future Strategies”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 15 October 2018: “Innovation In Agriculture: Women Pioneers at the Frontiers of Science”. “TedStyle” talks at the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
- 24 – 30 September 2018: European Biotech Week
- 25 September 2018: discussion event “Innovation in agriculture: reflections on science, regulatory developments, and communication”, European Parliament, Brussels. (**)
- 25 September 2018 – “Well Fed” Movie Screening & Debate with the Filmmakers, Brussels, Belgium.
- 18-21 September 2018: EFSA conference “Science, Food, Society“, Parma, Italy.
- 3 – 5 September 2018: “Crispring Conference: A New New Beginning for the Genetic Improvement of Plants and Microbes“, Budapest, Hungary.(*)
- 30 – 31 August 2018: VIB-IPBO workshop: “Scientific innovation for a sustainable development of African agriculture”, Gent, Belgium.
- 16 July 2018: workshop “The protein crop deficit in the EU: different perspectives for potential common solution”. Brussels, Belgium (**).
- 2 – 7 July 2018: Twenty-second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Montreal, Canada. (*)
- 1 − 4 July 2018, European Congress on Biotechnology − ECB2018, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 28-29 June 2018. OECD conference ” Genome Editing: Applications in Agriculture – Implications for Health, Environment and Regulation“, Paris, France. (*)
- 18 – 21 Juni 2018: EPSO conference “Plant Biology Europe 2018 Conference (PBE2018)”, Coopenhagen, Denmark. (*)
- 6 June 2018: International Forum on Food and Nutrition: Towards a more sustainable food system, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 21-23 May 2018: “Conference – Future of Long-term Experiments in Agricultural Science“, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, UK. (*)
- 17 May 2018: Hearing: “Use of New Breeding Techniques“, 10.00 – 12.30 Room JAN 4Q1, European Parliament, Brussels. (*)
- 14-15 May 2018: “6th Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress“, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- 24-25 April 2018: EFSA scientific colloquium “Omics in risk assessment: state-of-the-art and next steps”– Berlin, Germany.
- 12 April 2018: workshop “Modern agricultural biotechnology calling“, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (*).
- 11-13 April 2018: “5th Meeting of the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research“, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (*).
- 28-29 March 2018: G-TwYST Stakeholder consultation, Antwerp, Belgium (*).
- 27 March 2018: “Forum for the Future of Agriculture 2018“, Brussels, Belgium.
- 26 – 27 March 2018: “Garnet Plant Gene Editing Workshop”, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.
- 11 – 14 December 2017: Twenty-first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Montreal, Canada.
- 5 to 8 December 2017: CBD Ad Hoc Technical Experts group on Synthetic Biology, Montreal, Canada. (*)
- 27 November 2017 – 1 December 2017 : “9th European Innovation Summit“, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 19 – 20 oktober 2017, COGEM Internationaal symposium ‘Gene editing in animals, applications and implications’, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- 11 – 13 October 2017: International workshop “Assessing the Security Implications of Genome Editing Technology“. Hannover, Germany.(*)
- 11 October 2017: “The impact of regulation on agricultural innovation”, European Parliament, Brussels. (**)
- 28 September 2017: EC conference: “Modern Biotechnologies in agriculture – Paving the way for responsible innovation“, Brussels, Belgium.(*)
- 27 September: Seminar – “The Role of Modern Biotechnology in the Production of our Food“- a screening of the documentary Food Evolution followed by a debate, 17.30 – 20.00, Free University of Brussels. Belgium. (*)
- 26 September, a screening of the documentary Food Evolution followed by a debate, 18.00-2015, Royal Flemish Academy, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 26 September 2017: ‘clips viewing’ of the documentary Food Evolution, 13.00-14.00, in the European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 25 September – 1 October 2017: European Biotech Week. (*)
- 14 and 15 September 2017: U4 Environmental Law Network Workshop: “Governing Facts and Feelings in Environmental Decision-Making”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 11-14 September 2017: Eurobiotech 2017 (6th Central European Congress of Life Sciences), Kraków, Poland.
- 4 – 6 September 2017: IOBC-WPRS workshop “GMOs in Integrated Plant Production“, Ghent Belgium.(*)
- 19 July 2917: Symposium: “Gene Drive Modified Organisms and Practical Considerations for Environmental Risk Assessments“, Washington, USA.
- 7-8 July 2017: GPC-SEB workshop “New breeding technologies in plant sciences”, Gothenburg, Sweden. (*)
- 3 – 4 July 2017: Plant Genome Editing & Genome Engineering, Vienna, Austria.(*)
- 21 June 2017: Sense About Science event: “Evidence Matters“, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.(*)
- 19 – 22 June 2017: Conference: “Green for Good IV – Biotechnology of Plant Products”, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- 4 – 8 June 2017: 14th International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (ISBGMO), Guadalajara, Mexico. (*).
- 17 May 2017: Farm Europe seminar:””New Breeding Techniques: What are we talking about?”, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 10 May 2017: IIBN conference “Biotechnology: from Innovation to Industrial Production“, Gent, Belgium. (*)
- 20 – 24 March 2017: “Challenges for the Regulation of Gene Drive Technology“, Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands (*).
- 16 – 17 March 2017: The 5th Plant Genomics and Gene Editing Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 25 January 2017: EP hearing: “Ethical and social challenges of agricultural technologies – Issues for decision-makers“, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 12 December 2016: Seminar: ” New Breeding Techniques, Scientific, Technical, Social and Legal Aspects“. Oeiras, Portugal. (*).
- 4 – 17 December 2016: Eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COP-MOP 8), Cancun, Mexico. (*).
- 4 – 17 December 2016: Thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 13), Cancun, Mexico. (*)
- 4 – 17 December 2016: Second meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing (COP-MOP 2), Cancun, Mexico. (*)
- 23 November 2016: Info session on applications – GMO – technical meeting with stakeholders on Allergenicity Guidance Document (*)
- 24-26 October 2016: Workshop: “Strengthening Asia’s Participation in MOP8“, Kuala Lumpur, malaysia (**).
- 12 October 2016: UEAA Conference: “Science in agriculture: historical perspectives and prospective insights“, Paris, France.
- 11 October 2016: Conference “New breeding solutions for new farmers challenges“,European Parliament, Brussels.(**)
- 29-30 September 2016, 2nd International Conference on Science Advice to Government,
Brussels, Belgium. - 26 September – 2 October 2016 European Biotech Week, Europe. (*)
- 27 September 2016: “Unshackling Innovation: Will Europe block or enable GM crops”, European Parliament, Brussels. (**)
- 14-15 July 2016: “4thInternational Conference on Plant Genomics“, Brisbane, Australia.
- 12 July 2016: PRRI discussion “EU GMO regulations and New Breeding Techniques” (**)(member area)
- 3 – 6 July 2016: 17th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB2016), Krakow, Poland. (*)
- 26-30 June 2016: “Plant Biology Europe EPSO / FESPB Congress“, Prague, Czech Republic. (*)
- 26-29 June 2016: 20th ICABR Conference: “Transforming the Bioeconomy: Behavior, Innovation and Science”, Ravello, Italy. (*)
- 24-25th June 2016: Synthetic Biology – visions of the future, Synergene Forum Amsterdam
- 22-24 June 2016: Scientific Colloquium “Agricultural biotechnology – risk/safety assessment, impact assessment and importance for a bio-based economy“, Quedlinburg, Germany. (*)
- 15 June 2016: Demystifying science – getting science out of the lab and into society, Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU, Brussels, Belgium (*).
- 14-15 June 2016: EuropaBio Workshop “Back to Basics: Risk assessment principles for GM plants“, Brussels, Belgium (*)
- 25-27 May 2016: 2nd meeting of the International Society for Plant Molecular Farming, Ghent, Belgium.
- 10-11 May 2016: Amiga Final Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
- 3-6 May 2016: CIBIO-InBIO, Vairão, Portugal
- 25 April 2016: Hearing in the AGRI committee on implementation of European legislation in the agri sector, European Parliament, Brussels.
- 18th – 20 April 2016: Joint CEE/JKI Training Workshop “CADIMA and its supportive function during evidence synthesis” Berlin, Germany.
- 5 April 2016: AGR’IDÉBAT: “La génétique, source de progrès continu en agriculture“, Paris, France. (*)
- 22 March 2016: Forum for Agriculture, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 22-24 February 2016: 3rd Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe, Lisbon, Portugal.(*)
- 2 March 2016: Greens/EFA Conference “New breeding techniques: Hidden GMOs?”, EP, Brussels, Belgium (video).(member area). (*)
- 15- 17 February 2016: FAO International Symposium on “The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition”, FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy.
- 26 January 2016: Press conference MEP Michèle Rivasi (Greens) and Prof Gilles Seralini: “long term effects on farm animals from the ingestion of a GM plants”, EP, Brussels.(*)
- 26 January 2016: High-level conference: A better framework for innovation, Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 1 December 2015: EP Hearing on “New Techniques for Plant Breeding” (*)
- 1 December 2015, ERF High-level discussion on the theme of “Achieving Excellence in Scientific Advice. (*)
- 17 – 20 November 2015: Conference “GMCC-15 – Coexistence in International Trade“, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- 9-10 November 2015: Final conference EU GRACE project, Berlin-Potsdam, Germany. (*)
- 20 – 21 October 2015: The 2nd Synthetic Biology Congress, London, UK.
- 14-16 October 2015: EFSA’s 2nd scientific conference “Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together” Milan, Italy. Conference held at the occasion of the EXPO 2015. (*)
- 11-14 October 2015: “2nd International Conference on Global Food Security“, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, US.
- 28-30 September 2015: “International Conference on Synthetic Biology“, Houston, USA
- 15 September 2015: STOA-JR event “Science meets parliaments“, EP, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 7 September 2015: “iGEM Symposium Day on Synthetic Biology, Cell Systems and Ethics in Biochemistry“, University of Leuven, Belgium. (*)
- 19 June 2015:”Towards a Generic Market for Genetically Modified Crops . Potential for Emerging and Developing Economies”, Gent, Belgium. (*)
- 5−18 June 2015: “Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good III“, Olomouc − Czech Republic
- 8-12 June 2015: “IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2015 Conference“, Florence, Italy
- 1-3 June 2015: IOBC/WPRS Working Group ‘GMOs in Integrated Plant Production’, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 1 June 2015: ECONADAPT workshop: “The Common Agricultural Policy and Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 22-23 April 2015: Syn Bio Beta 2015, London, UK.
- 21-24 April 2015: 18th Annual Meeting of the European Biosafety Association, Vienna, Austria.
- 22 April 2015: “Merging Ecology and Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture“, Gent, Belgium. (*)
- 12 March 2015, Meeting of the farmers – scientists network, Brussels, Belgium. (**)
- 4 – 5 March 2015: Open session of the 96th plenary meeting of the EFSA Scientific Panel on GMOs, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 19 February 2015: “The PRICE of coexistence” PRICE final conference, Freising, Germany (*)
- 15 – 17 February 2015: Agriculture and Climate Change: Adapting Crops to Increased Uncertainty. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- 3 February 2015: Global science, priorities for research to achieve sustainable solutions. European Parliament, Brussels
- 18 December 2014: EFSA Info Session on Applications – GMO – Technical Meeting with Stakeholders on agronomic and phenotypic characterisation of genetically modified plants Parma, Italy (*)
- 9 December 2014: European Confederation of Maize Production (CEPM) conference: “Revision of the GMO Directive”, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- November 17-20, 2015: GMCC-15, “Seventh International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains“, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- 19 November 2014: 6th European Innovation Summit: “Agricultural Innovation in the EU – how can we unlock its full potential?“, European Parliament, Brussels. (*)
- 13-14 November 2014: Food and Drug Law Institute Workshop: “Europe v. U.S. Food, Drug, Device & Tobacco Regulation & Policy: Emerging Issues and Comparative Analysis”, Brussels, Belgium.(*)
- 9-13 November 2014: International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (ISBGMO), Cape Town, South Africa.
- 6-10 October 2014: European Biotech Week (*)
- 6 to 17 October 2014: First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea
- 6 to 17 October 2014: Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 12), – Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea (*)
- 29 September – 3 October 2014: “Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety” (“MOP7”), Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea. (*)
- 20 – 27 July 2014: The 19th International Congress of Comparative Law, addressing genetic technology and food security, Vienna, Austria.
- 13-16 July 2014: “16th European Congress on Biotechnology“, Edinburgh-Scotland.
- 11-12 June 2014: The global pipeline of GM crops: an outlook for 2020, Seville, Spain
- 5 – 6 June 2014: BIOVISION, Lyon, France
- 4 – 5 June 2014, EFSA workshop: Risk assessment considerations for RNAi-based GM plants, Brussels, Belgium.(*)
- 19 and 20 May 2014: The second stakeholder/expert consultation on animal feeding studies and in vitro studies in the course of GMO risk assessment , Brussels, Belgium
- 15 – 18 May 2014: European Biotechnology Congress 2014, Lecce, Italy
- 1 April 2014: Forum for Agriculture 2014, Brussels, Belgium.(*)
- 18-19 February 2014, Workshop on Scientific aspects of comparative assessments for GM plants and their use in risk assessment, Brussels, Belgium (*)
- 10 February 2014: OECD Workshop on New Plant Breeding Techniques , Paris, France. (*)
- 30 January 2014: 7th EFSA Meeting with Non-Governmental Organisations on environmental risk assessment and new plant breeding techniques, Brussels, Belgium.
- 22 January 2014: event “Growing Voices“, Brussels, Belgium (*)
- 4 December 2013: STOA Workshop ‘How to feed the World in 2050?’ European Parliament, Brussels. (*)
- 29 November 2013: European Commission workshop “Nature Based Solutions For Horizon 2020 Challenges”, Brussels, Belgium.
- 28 November 2013: Symposium” Growing maize 20 years after the arrival of Corn Root-worm in Europe”, European parliament, Strassbourg, France.
- 25 – 27 November 2013: Second European Federation of Biotechnology meeting on Applied Synthetic Biology, Malaga, Spain.
- 21 November 2013: STOA Panel meeting: ‘”Technology options for feeding 10 billion people”, EP, Strasbourg, France.
- 12 -15 November 2013: Sixth International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains. Lisbon, Portugal.(*)
- 12 – 13 November 2013: 30 Years of Plant Biotechnology, Gent, Belgium (*)
- 5 November 2013: EP Hearing “Hearing on “Plant Breeding – what options to increase quality and yields“, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 24 October 2013: STOA Panel meeting: Technology options for plant breeding and for innovative agriculture, Strasbourg, France.
- 16-19 October 2013: World Food Prize events, Demoins, Iowa. (*)
- 16-17 October 2013, Round table on GMOs under the Aarhus Convention, Geneva, Switzerland (*)
- 16 October 2013: STOA Workshop Sustainable Management Of Natural Resources, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 16 October 2013: World Food Day (FAO).
- 3 October 2013, meeting farmers – scientists network, Brussels, Belgium. (**)
- 3 October 2013: EFSA Conference: Transparency in Risk Assessment, Parma, Italy.
- 30 September – 4 October 2013, European Biotech Week (*)
- 25 September 2013: Copa-Cogeca workshop: Productivity and Growth in European Agriculture, Brussels.
- 16 – 17 September 2013: Symposium: “Genome Engineering & Synthetic Biology: Tools and Technologies“, Gent, Belgium. (*)
- 15-18 September 2013: The Agricultural Biotechnology International Conference (ABIC 2013), Food, water and energy for a hungry world. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- 12 September 2013: “InnoPlanta Forum 2013“, Berlin, Germany
- 8-10 September 2013: Plant Genome Evolution 2013. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 1 – 4 September 2013: 7th EPSO Conference: “Plants for a Greening Economy”. Porto Heli, Greece
- 24 – 25 July 2013: Workshop “Guidance to communicate agricultural biotechnology and biosafety”, Budapest, Hungary. (**)
- 24 July 2013: meeting of the farmers – scientists network, Budapest, Hungary (**).
- 25-28 June 2013: International Conference on Genomics – Europe. Gent, Belgium
- 17-21 June 2013: Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good II, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
- 17 June 2013: Lunch Debate on Green Biotechnology Policy, hosted by MEP Reimers, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 14 June 2013: Standing up for Science Media, London, UK. (*)
- 13 June 2103: British Chamber EU Committee Breakfast Briefing “Science, Agriculture & Public Engagement,” Belgium, Brussels. (*)
- 3-5 June 2013: Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (EIGMO). Berlin, Germany. (*)
- 30 May 2013: Convention Knowledge for Growth. ICC Ghent, Belgium. (*)
- 18 May 2013: “Fascination of Plants Day”, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 9 April 2013: EPC Policy Dialogue: Science and decision-making – a relationship under strain, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 25-26 March 2013: “21st Meeting of EFSA Stakeholder Consultative Platform“, Parma, Italy. (*)
- 21 March 2023: UK-ACRE “Evidence-gathering meeting on more effective environmental risk assessment under current GMO legislation”, London, UK
- 7 March 2013: “How do EU policies on biotech crops impact trade and development?” EuropaBio event, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 6 March 2013: Greens Seminar: GMO-free labelling. How GMO-free labelling of food products can contribute to increase GM-free supplies for animal feed, Public Conference. European Parliament, Brussels Belgium. (*)
- 5 March 2013: 6th Forum for the Future of Agriculture, The Square Meeting Place, Brussels. (*)
- 5 March 2013: Meeting the challenges of food security Land use, biodiversity, innovation and implementing the Green Food Project (DEFRA), Global Food Security. Role of biotechnology in the Green Food Project. London, UK.
- 4 – 8 March 2013: Conference: “EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration” (ES:GC2), European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 27-28 February 2013: EuropaBio Workshop “Environmental Risk Assessment of GM crops in practice”, Brussels , Belgium. (*)
- 26 – 28 February 2013: Outlook for Agriculture (Agra Informa). Brussels, Belgium. (*)
- 25 – 26 February 2013: Green Growth – Transforming economies for competitiveness and resilience? London, UK
- 20 February 2013: BBSRC/NERC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Innovation Club. London, UK.
- 12 February 2013: Castle Debates 2013: Genetically Modified Crops. London, UK.
- 23 January 2013: Workshop Sustainability in future food production systems – Can biotechnology make a difference? Upsala, Sweden.
- 23 January 2013, The risk of getting science wrong in EU policymaking”, EP Brussels, Hosted by UK MEP Girling
- 15 – 19 January 2013: Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2013. Berlin, Germany.
- 14 – 15 January 2013: International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology, Biological and Biosystems Engineering(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology -WASET). Zurich, Switzerland.
- 29-30 November 2012: EFSA and COGEM workshop “approaches and challenges to assess the potential adverse effects of plant-produced Bt proteins from transgenic crops on terrestrial non-target arthropods”. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- 28 November 2012: MEP – FuturAgra seminar “GMOs: Regulation and research for 21innovating agriculture”, in the framework of the last ruling of the European Court of Justice. European Parliament, Brussels
- 27-29 November 2012: 1st International Conference for GM Crops and Food. Cairo, Egypt.
- 27 November 2012: Sixth EFSA Meeting with Non-Governmental Organisations on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Parma, Italy
- 14 November 2012: Stakeholder workshop PRICE project. Brussels, Belgium.
- 7 – 8 November 2012. EFSA Conference Challenging boundaries in risk assessment – sharing experiences. Parma, Italy.
- 8 – 19 October 2012: The 11th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 11). Hyderabad, India.
- 1 – 5 October 2012 : MOP6 – 6th Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Hyderabad, India.
- 23 – 26 September 2012: 15th European Congress On Biotechnology (ECB15). Istanbul , Turkey.
- 17 – 20 September 2012: ISBGMO, Saint Louis, USA.
- 20 – 22 June 2012: Rio+20, The World Summit 20 years later. Rio De Janeiro, Brasil.
- 6 June 2012: The European Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment. European Parliament workshop on Synthetic Biology Enabling sustainable solutions for food, feed, bio-fuel and health. European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 20-25 May 2012: Green Week: Water. Brussels, Belgium.
- 29 March 2012: DG Sanco hearing on monitoring of LMOs. Brussels, Belgium.
- 27 March 2012: 5th Forum For Agriculture. Brussels, Belgium.
- 20 March 2012: Seminar: “Canada’s experience with agricultural biotechnology: perspectives from farmers, regulators, and academia”. European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.
- 20 March 2012: Copa Cogeca Seminar “ CAP towards 2020: Challenges for the supply of agricultural raw materials in the EU”. Brussels, Belgium.
- 6 March 2012. Brussels Academy Workshop “CAP 2014: A new institutional environment”. Brussels, Belgium.
- 14 February 2012: AG WG on the Draft Regulation on application for authorisation of GM food and feed. Brussels, Belgium.
- 24 January 2012: Madariaga debate “GMOs: A Fair Case for Subsidiarity?”, a “Citizen’s Controversy” with Ladislav Miko and MEP Lepage. Brussels, Belgium.