2017 – 10 – 11: 11 October 2017: The impact of regulation on agricultural innovation

The event was hosted by MEP Hannu Takkula and MEP Clara Aguilera, and organised by the farming organisations AGPM (France), ASAJA (Spain), CAP – Agricoltores de Portugal, Confagricultura (Italy), DBV (Germany), MTK (Finland), NFU (UK), and the Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PRRI).



Announcement and programme

The event was attended by over 60 participants, including MEPs, farmers, scientists, as well as representatives of EU institutions, Member states, various associations, and private sector companies.

At the opening of the event, the hosts placed the need for innovation in the broader context of population growth, environmental protection, climate change and the ongoing discussions on the CAP. 

Moderator of the debate was Max Schulman, farmer, MTK member and chair of the Copa-Coga Working group on Cereals.


Media and other links

